Friday 20 June 2014

Poem: Embrace

Sometimes in our naivety
we sit and wait to grow.
Other times we run
head down, eyes closed
into the rush.
But run or wait it doesn't matter.

One day you'll round a corner
and your path won't be lit.
Stolen, misplaced,
blink and it's missing.
Your heart a memory, a limb, a promise, a person.

Your naivety has gone
and now your journey has changed.
The light of your path refracted,
leaves you pointed in a new direction.

Some won't approve,
Some will want the other you.
Some won't realise you have left at all.
But what has happened has happened,
and cannot be undone. 

We pay for our laughter.
We pay to weep - 
Knowledge is not cheap.

With each breath we inhale
we exhale
we inspire
we expire.

Every turn we encounter 
a new laugh, a new cry,
a new story, a new song.
Every conversation flows bitter
or sweet over the tongue.

And when you're born into loss
you grow from it.
When you experience loss later in life,
you grow towards it.

A slow journey to embrace.
An embrace that leaves you holding tight
the beauty wrapped in the grotesque.  


  1. You have no idea how difficult it is to comment on a blog. I've had to reset my password twice. However I wish you could get feedback from someone who understands poetry. From me, who doesn't I love it and think you have real talent. Keep on trucking Card.

    1. Thanks :) :) and no one actually understands poetry - people just pretend they do so they sound intelligent! Even the poets don't have a clue what they're writing

  2. I love that this has no obvious structure! I wish I could write poems, but every time I try it just comes out as bad rhyming couplets! How do you write yours? Like yr process?

    1. thanks :) what's wrong with rhyming couplets? They're the best kind! And I don't really know - I normally just come up with one nice poetic, profound sounding sentence, and the rest is just whining ;)

  3. I was going to ask the same as Sallydrummond^^ How do you start writing a poem - I'd love to write some but i just don't know how to strat one off.
    Love your blog btw
